Largest regional plastics association and employment agency collaborate / Recruitment of more skilled workers
Allizé Plasturgie Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Lyon / France; – by far the largest regional association of France's plastics processing industry (see of 04.03.2004) – and government employment agency Pôle Emploi ( want to recruit more skilled personnel to the region's plastics industry. At the premises of films manufacturer Barbier (Sainte-Sigolène / France;, a statement was signed on 11 June 2018 by Allizé president Etienne Béchet de Balan and Pascal Blain, regional director of employment services.
The three-year collaboration is aiming to focus more on plastics processors, who have so far been less popular as employers. There will hopefully also be an improvement to the rather tarnished image of the industry in France. In the long term, the enhanced support for companies to attract skills should pay off. A detailed plan on this is currently being prepared.
The three-year collaboration is aiming to focus more on plastics processors, who have so far been less popular as employers. There will hopefully also be an improvement to the rather tarnished image of the industry in France. In the long term, the enhanced support for companies to attract skills should pay off. A detailed plan on this is currently being prepared.
15.06.2018 [239955-0]
Published on 15.06.2018