Recyclable EPS introduced following successful trials / Commercial deliveries to begin early 2020
Hirsch Servo CEO Harald Kogler (left) with the test team consisting of employees from Hirsch Servo and BEWiSynbra (Photo: Hirsch Servo)
European EPS producer BEWiSynbra (Solna / Sweden; has produced a 100% recycled EPS. The material can be continuously recycled, according to the company. BEWiSynbra partnered with Hirsch Servo (Glanegg / Austria;, an EPS processor and producer of EPS insulation, packaging and machinery, and the first external trials of the new product have been completed.

Hirsch Servo created a limited edition of packaging made from the new material at its Austrian headquarters. “We did tests on how to pre-expand the raw beads made from 100% recycled EPS and used the resulting EPS to produce shape-moulded parts that meet our quality specifications,” said Harald Kogler, CEO at Hirsch Servo. The parts made from the rEPS are slightly off-white compared to virgin EPS, while the mechanical properties are almost comparable, Kogler added.

“Today only a small portion of EPS is reused and an even smaller portion is recycled,” said Alan Moss, managing director of BEWiSynbra RAW, the division that produces the company’s raw materials at facilities in Etten-Leur / The Netherlands and Porvoo / Finland. “Our new product has the potential to change that.” EPS is composed of 2% polystyrene and 98% air. “Too few people realise that EPS is 100% recyclable,” said Kogler.

BEWiSynbra has intensified its efforts to supply more partners and customers with the 100% recyclable EPS. Moss said the company will start commercial deliveries to selected customers in early 2020.

The Swedish company’s recycling division was created in October 2018 and has since launched several EPS collecting and recycling activities – see of 23.08.2019. Hirsch Servo, meanwhile, has been expanding its EPS production activities – see of 03.12.2019.
06.12.2019 [244059-0]
Published on 06.12.2019
Hirsch Servo: Erfolgreiche Tests mit komplett recycelbarem EPSGerman version of this article...

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