Plans for French value chain for ‘advanced' reclaim of plastics film / Processing to begin in 2024
Paris-based petrochemical group TotalEnergies ( and French recycler Paprec (La Courneuve; have signed a long-term commercial agreement to develop a “French value chain for advanced recycling” of plastics film wastes.

Under the deal, Citeo (Paris; will provide a stream of flexible plastics waste sorted from post-consumer packaging for the Paprec Plastiques 80 plant in Amiens, France, where a sorting and preparation line will be built.

TotalEnergies will process waste provided by Paprec at its pyrolysis plant at Grandpuits (Photo: TotalEnergies)

TotalEnergies plans to process this French waste at its domestic pyrolysis plant in Grandpuits, where it will use the output to produce recycled plastics with the same properties as food-grade virgin plastics.

The plant – under construction by TotalEnergies as 60% owner and Plastic Energy (London; as 40% shareholder – is expected to process 15,000 t/y of waste and become operational in 2024.

Related: Huge market potential for chemical recycling in France
All-PE pouch for food use suits recycling needs, partners say
TotalEnergies and Colines (Nibbia, Italy; separately announced the successful proof of concept (POC) of an unlaminated and recyclable stand-up pouch for food-contact applications.

Currently, the market reference is composed of a multi-material film, resulting in non-recyclable packaging. The partners said the development of their pouch allowed for a decrease in packaging thickness.

The Machine Direction Orientation (MDO) film has been produced on the Colines’ Polycast cast line as well as the MDO line, providing a low-density sealing layer on one side and a high-density stiff layer on the other. The MDO-PE film formulation is composed of TotalEnergies’ Supertough and Lumicene brand PE grades.
21.03.2023 [252448-0]
Published on 21.03.2023
TotalEnergies: Recycler Paprec liefert Kunststoffabfälle zur PyrolyseGerman version of this article...

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