Coalition ramps up face shields output in response to Covid-19 / Designers called on to develop 3D-printed ventilators
A coalition initiated by 3D printing company Stratasys (Eden Prairie, Minnesota / USA; is ramping up production of disposable face shields for use by medical personnel in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Stratasys said the number of companies and universities involved in the coalition now exceeds 150 and members include Toyota, Boeing and medical technology company Medtronic (Minneapolis, Minnesota; Requests from hospitals and other organisations for the shields, which include a 3D-printed frame and a clear plastic shield covering the entire face, now exceed 350,000 shields.

Stratasys said the first hospital shipment was received on 25 March, and by 27 March the coalition had exceeded its initial goal to produce 5,000 face shields. The coalition was expecting to produce more than 11,000 the following week. So far, it is serving the needs of more than 30 different health systems, covering hospitals, clinics, academic medical centers and nursing homes.

Face shield visors being 3D-printed by Stratasys (Photo: Stratasys)
“Any 3D printing shop in the USA that wishes to help print plastic frames, can fill out an online form to be invited to join the effort,” Stratasys said. Details of the printing and assembly instructions are available on the company’s Covid-19 response page. In the US, Stratasys is using its “GrabCAD” shop work order management software to assign orders from healthcare systems to each coalition member. In Europe, the company said it is serving as a hub to connect service bureaus with those requesting help and has fielded offers and requests in most of the larger countries.

“I have never seen collaboration across our industry the way I’ve been seeing it over the last couple weeks,” said Stratasys healthcare segment leader Scott Drikakis, who is directing the company’s Covid-19 response in the Americas. “The need is dire, but we are getting the kind of commitments from our coalition partners that will make a real difference and help buy time to scale up the manufacturing of shields and other essential supplies.”

Stratasys said it is producing thousands of visors itself at its US direct manufacturing facilities, located in Eden Prairie, in and around Austin, Texas, and in Valencia, California. It has also made free the material licenses on many of its high-end printers used to make the visors during this time.“We see additive manufacturing as an essential part of the response to the Covid-19 global epidemic,” said Stratasys CEO Yoav Zeif.

The company is also supporting an initiative led by anaesthetists at Massachusetts General Hospital to develop a new rapidly deployable ventilator for patients with Covid-19-related, ventilator-dependent lung injury. The anaesthesiology residents are calling on designers and engineers to design the ventilator using Stratasys’ GrabCAD platform, as part of an eight-week initiative launched on 1 April 2020. Other sponsors of the “CoVent-19 Challenge” include product development company Ximedica (Providence, Rhode Island / USA; and engineering software company Valispace (Bremen / Germany;

Finalists will work with Stratasys and the CoVent-19 Challenge team to turn their designs into prototypes for testing. The 3D printing company said the CoVent-19 team is working with private and public sector partners to be able to expedite US government approval for a winning design.

In Europe, the European Commission has called on the additive manufacturing industry to help in the manufacturing of medical supplies that hospitals are lacking – see of 30.03.2020.
07.04.2020 [244862-0]
Published on 07.04.2020

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