Turkish subsidiary for additives established in Istanbul
Baerlocher (Unterschleißheim / Germany;, a leading supplier of additives, has established a subsidiary in Istanbul / Turkey to provide further local support for the growing PVC market in Turkey. Baerlocher Kimya will focus on the PVC windows profile and pipe markets in the region. The subsidiary will be managed by Mustafa Ataman.
The new subsidiary notwithstanding, Baerlocher said it would uphold its long-standing partnership with Dolunay Kimya (Istanbul;, which will continue to represent the company in the other Turkish PVC markets.
The new subsidiary notwithstanding, Baerlocher said it would uphold its long-standing partnership with Dolunay Kimya (Istanbul;, which will continue to represent the company in the other Turkish PVC markets.
01.03.2012 [221711-0]
Published on 01.03.2012