Sony invests EUR 138m to strengthen middle and large size OLED production technology
Entertainment and electronics group Sony (Tokyo / Japan; is to spend around JPY 22 bn (EUR 138m) to strengthen its middle and large size organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panel production technology. The investment will be made in the second half of the financial year beginning 31 March 2008 at the Sony mobile display factory at Higashiura Aichi / Japan.

The company says it will reinforce its TFT (thin film transistor) and EL (electroluminescent) layer coating processing facilities at Higashiura and plans to implement the production technology during the fiscal year beginning 31 March 2009.

Sony began researching OLED technology in 1994, and has since positioned OLED as a future next-generation display technology. In December 2007, it launched the first OLED TV, “XEL-1” in Japan – see of 14.12.2007 –, incorporating its proprietary “organic panel” which offers extreme thinness and enhanced image quality.
25.02.2008 [210251]
Published on 25.02.2008
Sony: Investitionen in OLED-FernsehenGerman version of this article...

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