Masterbatch and compound activities sold to Clariant / DEM 70m turnover for 1995
In a surprise move Zipperling Kessler & Co (GmbH & Co.) (PO Box 1464, D-22904 Ahrensburg) has sold its masterbatch and compound business, with effect from 1 July, to Clariant International AG (Rothausstr. 61, CH-4132 Muttenz). Zipperling is one of Europe's leading independent manufacturers of masterbatch and compounds. Together with its main plant in Ahrensburg and the subsidiary in Trebbichau in Saxony-Anhalt it has a capacity of 20,000 to 25,000 t/y.

In 1995 Zipperling achieved a turnover of DEM 70m, and for the current year a slight increase is expected. Zipperling is selling its masterbatch and compound business in order to be able to concentrate on the development of new products in the field of "organic metals" and polyanilines. At the beginning of the year a new subsidiary, Ormecon Chemie GmbH & Co KG based at the company's Ahrensburg headquarters, was set up for this purpose. This subsidiary is not part of the transaction. In recent years Zipperling has attained a significant position as a leading European masterbatch and compound company, with over 60% of its output exported. However, the simultaneous development of Ormecon Chemie and the need to grow Zipperling's main business on a global scale were too much for the financial strength of the company.

Clariant are one of the few truly global masterbatch players, with 26 plants operating in 18 countries. The move will considerably enhance its European operations, and especially strengthen its business in Germany where previously there had only been a small plant at Leinfelden-Echterdingen. It will also give Clariant some compounding capability in Europe.

Clariant will take over all the staff contracts of Zipperling. The former md, Dr. Bernhard Weßling, will be at Clariant's and the site's disposal as a consultant. The new manager will be Dr. Gerd Lepper, who previously worked for Clariant Österreich GmbH (Brunnerstr. 59, A-1235 Vienna). The transaction is subject to approval by the Federal Monopolies Commission.

READER SERVICE: Clariant AG annual report 1995 (German): PIE-No. 39540.
31.07.1996 [19950]
Published on 31.07.1996

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