Lightweight carbon-fibre robot series / Dryers as a new product range / Material conveyance
Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte GmbH (Lichtblaustr. 10, A-1220 Vienna) presented a newly-developed robot series at K ´98 in Düsseldorf on which both the vertical axle and the transverse structure can be produced in lightweight carbon fibre plastic. The lower overall weight of the masses to be moved permits extremely high acceleration and considerably reduces cycle times. Managing Director Dr. Werner Wittmann explained to journalists that the new modular robot series was consistently based on the “platform strategy”. The “600” robot series is additionally equipped with a newly developed control system incorporating graphic operator guidance. This simplifies programming considerably, and the machines can even be reliably programmed by suitably trained staff.

Wittmann ran a “Virtual Reality Robot Show” in Düsseldorf, which involved the simulation of a robot on an injection moulding machine in full operation. The model would considerably facilitate training courses for robot programming and simulations at the injection moulder´s. The automotive industry already employs comparable technology to shorten development times.

Wittmann is extending its product range as a peripherals supplier to the injection moulding industry with the acquisition of Cramer Trocknerbau (D-58566 Kierspe) on the official date of 1 October 1998. A high-performance PET dryer features as an innovation in the revised dryer range. A special process guarantees a dew point of -70 °C, permitting an extremely low residual moisture content of 10 to 30 ppm. The degree of drying has a decisive influence on the acetaldehyde content, which makes the “Dry-Max 3000” particularly suitable for the production of PET parisons.

Wittmann announced in Düsseldorf that it is intending to expand its original business groups of temperature-control units, flow controllers and robots by making a move into material conveyance.
15.01.1999 Plasteurope.com [18252]
Published on 15.01.1999

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