New glass fibre reinforcement products / Herzogenrath factory: Important investments
Vetrotex International SA (PO Box 929, F-73009 Chambéry) introduced a number of new products at the Journées Européennes des Composites (JEC; April in Paris), the majority of which were for use in the automobile sector. The company placed the accent on products for thermoplastics, which is a market growing faster than thermosets. About 55-60% of glass fibre reinforced thermoplastics find their applications in transport. Among the innovations were: P355, with short fibres, intended for PA6 and 66; P368 for PP resins, coupled or non-coupled; P345 aiming at heat-resistant materials such as PPS, PSU or PPE (materials used mainly in the engine compartment). Types P375 and P379 (for PA and PP respectively) are long fibres and Type 5213 is for reinforcement of PP-based thermoplastic elastomer mouldings. Finally, Vetrotex has extended its range with glass fibre chopped to 3mm lengths in place of the normal 4.5mm in Europe. This form facilitates processing and reduces cycle time without affecting mechanical performance. – Vetrotex report see No 09.

An important investment has been decided by Vetrotex according the Herzogenrath factory (Vetrotex Deutschland GmbH, PO Box 1160, D-52111 Herzogenrath): the rebuilding of the furnace and the optimisation of the production process. At the same time the Herzogenrath factory will become totally dedicated to the production of textile yarns. Vetrotex: "This investment shows our wish to continue the development of production of glass fibre yarns in Europe, close to the European weavers, despite the fact that the other major suppliers are concentrating their production more and more outside Europe."

READER SERVICE: Company profile Vetrotex: PIE-No. 35751 – Press releases (20 pages, with pictures) on the new glass fibre reinforcements and European statistics: PIE-No. 36335 – Publication "Vetrotex Actualités" (English), edition 1/1994: PIE-No. 36336.
31.07.1994 [21278]
Published on 31.07.1994

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