Government announces evaluation plan for plastic packaging tax / Levy introduced in April 2022
The UK’s tax authorities are set to conduct an evaluation of the country’s plastic packaging tax (PPT). Introduced in April 2022, the PPT had raised GBP 276 mn (EUR 318 mn) at the end of the fiscal year in March 2023.

The UK government introduced the plastic packaging tax in April 2022 (Photo: Pexels/Pixabay)

In a statement, the government said His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs would carry out the evaluation exercise, “with input where needed from HM Treasury. This builds upon the government’s commitment to increase transparency and accountability.

“The findings from this evaluation will ensure we learn key lessons to inform future policy making both in relation to PPT and wider policy measures.”

Related: UK government reveals revenues from plastics packaging tax

The PPT is designed to encourage more firms to use recycled content in their products. It covers manufacturers and importers of plastic packaging components who deal in at least 10 t/y of material that contains less than 30% recycled plastics. 

The tax is currently set at GBP 210.82/t, having initially been GBP 200/t. The higher amount accounted for inflation, the government said. 

In 2023, Zoe Brimelow, a director with UK packaging manufacturer Duo (Manchester;, said the tax has been successful in creating greater demand for recycled plastic packaging and generated a lot of revenue for the government.

However, she said businesses that had invested in compliance systems to pay the tax or in new equipment and processes ought to be told how “hundreds of millions” of pounds in added revenues were to be used.
03.01.2024 [254323-0]
Published on 03.01.2024

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