Company to merge with Polish competitor
Salling Plast (Ranum, Denmark;, a manufacturer of fittings and plastic components for the district heating sector, said it will merge with Polish rival BGIndustry (Zabrze; amid expectations of strong demand for products used in the transition to green energy.

Details of the deal were not disclosed.

The companies have factories in Ranum and Hurup Thy, Denmark, and in Zabrze, Poland. Plans foresee an increased focus at the Polish operations on large-scale manufacturing and machining of HDPE components, while the Danish side will concentrate on pre-insulated fittings and valves as well as on special tasks for the industry in general.

BGIndustry has around 60 employees in Zabrze, and the plant there is to be replaced by a completely newly outfitted, 7,500 m2 factory, with production set to be ramped up in the first half of 2023.

Salling Plast employs around 80 at its two sites.
16.01.2023 [251906-0]
Published on 16.01.2023
Salling Plast: Dänischer Rohrhersteller fusioniert mit BGIndustryGerman version of this article...

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