All own-brand milk bottles now contain 10% recycled HDPE / Commitment to achieving 30% level by 2015
Sainsbury’s (London / UK; is the first of the big four UK supermarkets to use recycled HDPE in its milk bottle packaging. All its own-brand plastic milk bottles now contain 10% rHDPE and the retailer is committed to increasing that level to 30% by 2015 in accordance with the Dairy Supply Chain Forum's “Milk Roadmap” agreed with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ( and published in May 2008.

One of the recycling companies providing Sainbury’s suppliers with rHDPE is Closed Loop Recycling (Dagenham / UK; Its plant will produce 6,000t of food grade rHDPE annually for use by the UK dairy packaging industry.

Sainsbury’s sold over 785 million pints of milk last year, representing “958 tonnes of plastic that can be recycled annually back into new milk bottles”, a supermarket spokesperson said.
26.04.2010 [216068]
Published on 26.04.2010

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