Extrusion plant opened in Poland / More than 50 converters / Good first half in 1998
Roplasto Polska Sp. z.o.o. (ul. Zesarzowicka 5, PL-52408 Wroclaw) opened a new extrusion plant for PVC window profiles with a definitive capacity of ten lines in May, which had been built in just over a year. In the past, profiles for Roplasto's converters, who now number 50, were imported. With the launch of its own production in Poland, Roplasto Fensterprofile GmbH (Refrather Weg 42-44, D-51469 Bergisch Gladbach) sees itself has "having moved up a rung". The aim is for the new plant in Wroclaw to be dedicated entirely to the Polish market. This new extrusion location means greater market proximity, higher flexibility and, in particular, enhanced opportunities for growth for this European company group which, through Wickrather Bauelemente AG, belongs to the British Rexam plc (Bowater House, Knightsbridge, GB-London SW1X 7NN).

According to J.C. Rooryck, Roplasto managing director, Roplasto Group sales increased 18% in the first half of 1998 compared with this same period of the previous year. This, however, is due less to a changing trend on the German market and more "to the successfully implemented strategy of not dropping the successful 6001 system when the new four-chamber system was introduced, but of considerably extending and upgrading it into the 6000 plus S".
15.08.1998 [18510]
Published on 15.08.1998

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