Biesterfeld Plastic: Higher profile in Spain
In a further move to expand its presence in the European market, Biesterfeld Plastic GmbH (Ferdinandstr. 51, D-20095 Hamburg) has taken over all shares of its Spanish joint venture Biesterfeld Romex Delta S.L. and changed the company's name to Biesterfeld Iberia S.L. (Avda Carles III, 92-98, Edif Trade, Torre Norte, 1. 4a, E-Barcelona). A Polish subsidiary, Biesterfeld Polska Sp.z.o.o. (Marii Konopuickiej 5 M, Appartement 9 A, PL-Warsaw) was founded in May.
31.07.1996 Plasteurope.com [19945]
Published on 31.07.1996