Germany's plastics waste collection company vows drastic reduction in "exports"
Since the beginning of 1997, Germany's plastics packaging waste recycling company, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kunststoffrecycling mbH (DKR, Frankfurter Str. 720-726, D-51145 Köln) has ceased "exporting" bales of shredded plastics wastes. The company plans to recycle 93%, or 550,000 t/y, of this year's anticipated collection total at home. Plastic agglomerate, which can be processed only by qualified recycling companies with suitable equipment, will continue to be sent outside Germany for recycling. In the words of DKR ceo Dr. Peter Liedtke, the new procedure will make supervision easier. In the past, some of the bales from DSD collections have been shipped to other countries and disposed of illegally.
15.02.1997 [19578]
Published on 15.02.1997