Machine makers slash 2022 forecasts / Sourcing issues hurt producers
Flat to weak growth is on the cards, according to Thorsten Kühmann, MD of plastics and rubber machinery at the German association (Photo: VDMA)
The German engineering federation VDMA (Frankfurt; has sharply reduced the 2022 outlook for its plastics and rubber machinery division due to logistics problems, concerns about procurement, the Ukraine war, and China’s strict zero-covid policy.

Turnover in 2022 is anticipated to drift sideways or in the best case show a slight increase despite full order books, with growth of 0-2% now expected, said Thorsten Kühmann, managing director of the plastics and rubber machinery division of VDMA (KuG; The association originally projected growth this year at 5-10%.

“First and foremost, there is the poor availability of materials,” Kühmann said, noting that the shortage has made it difficult for companies to quickly process pre-orders and convert them into sales, which has slowed down production and thus impacting turnover.

First-quarter orders for plastics and rubber machinery plummeted 27% compared to the year-earlier period, but sales rose 3%, the association reported.

Related: Plastics machinery Italy: Ukraine war, supply shortages endanger development
24.05.2022 [250303-0]
Published on 24.05.2022
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