US study on marine litter greeted by PlasticsEurope / Global industry continues efforts to tackle waste
A US study on plastics marine debris has been welcomed by industry association PlasticsEurope (Brussels / Belgium; The study from the National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS, Santa Barbara, California / USA;, part of the University of California, quantifies waste coming from land into the oceans and offers insights on strategies to tackle marine litter.

PlasticsEurope said the industry continues its efforts to highlight the importance of proper waste management systems as a key factor in tackling plastics waste ending up in the seas. Karl-H. Foerster, executive director of PlasticsEurope, said: “We are not only seriously concerned about marine litter: we take action. In 2011, the European plastics industry launched the initiative Zero Plastics to Landfill. Seven EU member states plus Norway and Switzerland introduced landfill bans or similar measures applicable to plastics waste. The experience of these nine countries shows that phasing our landfilling together with a better implementation and enforcement of existing waste legislation is crucial to tackle the issue.”

More than 185 projects to deal with marine litter have been implemented worldwide through the Declaration of the Global Plastics Associations for Solutions on Marine Litter (for most recent coverage, see of 25.06.2014). In addition, the industry will be sharing best practices in waste management at the upcoming Identiplast ( conference to be held in Rome / Italy, on 29-30 April 2015 (see of 03.02.2015).
18.02.2015 [230514-0]
Published on 18.02.2015

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