Petcore updates recycling guidelines on Tray Circularity Evaluation Platform
— By staff — 

Petcore Europe (Brussels; has announced new design guidelines for the recycling  of PET multilayer trays on its Tray Circularity Evaluation Platform (TCEP).

Petcore Europe’s new guidelines were created to further support mechanical recycling of PET trays (Image: Petcore Europe)

Initially launched in 2022,TCEP’s previous recommendations for PET monolayer trays have now been updated. This development aligns with ongoing work of the thermoform team within the CEN Standardization working group. The group’s focus is on advancing the recycling capabilities of PET packaging across Europe, the association explained.

Related: Bertaggia replaces Stephan as director general of Petcore Europe

According to Petcore Europe, the new guidelines are key for supporting the mechanical recycling of PET trays, ensuring the required quality and food safety standards for both monolayer and multilayer tray recycling streams. The association went on to say that TCEP’s efforts align with the European Commission’s targets and strengthen the sustainability of the PET value chain by increasing the use of recycled PET.
19.03.2025 [257561-0]
Published on 19.03.2025

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