European bottle recycling volumes up 5% in 2015 / More action needed by consumers and governments / Share of clear bales continuex to fall / Petcore Europe report
European PET bottle collection and recycling volumes reached over 1.8m t in 2015, an increase of 5% compared to 2014, according to a new report compiled by industry consultant PCI Wood Mackenzie (Edinburgh / UK; for industry group Petcore Europe (Brussels / Belgium; The report, “PET Recyling in Europe 2015”, reveals that nearly 59% of all bottles placed on the European market were collected for recycling last year, a rise of two percentage points on the year before.

Expressing his pleasure at the growth achieved, Roberto Bertaggia, president of Petcore Europe, commented: “In the context of the circular economy, it becomes more and more clear that PET recycling takes a crucial role and significantly contributes to achieving the set plastics recycling targets.”

However, PET bottle recycling still faces challenges. Helen McGeough, senior consultant at PCI Wood Mackenzie responsible for recycling and sustainability, said that trying to continuously improve collection growth rates within Europe shows the need to increase consumer awareness and involvement, as well as improve collection systems and action by many member states. She said: “The value of these resources needs promoting across society, from consumer to government, to ensure it is treated in the right way throughout its life and beyond.”

The study shows that clear bottles accounted for less than 15% of the stream, continuing the downward trend for the share of clear bales in the total available stream and highlighting the need for greater expenditure in sorting activities. McGeough noted that the process loss rate is also rising, putting a mounting cost on the industry and backing the sector’s calls for improved collection within the European Commission’s Circular Economy proposals (see also of 22.09.2016).

Looking ahead, the report predicts that the volume collected by 2020 will reach above 2m t of bottles, with an expected average collection rate of more than 60%.

The 25-page report gives a full analysis of the region’s reclamation capacity, supply/demand balance for bottles and the end-uses for processed flake.
10.11.2016 968 [235510-0]
Published on 10.11.2016
PET-Recycling: Wiederverwertung in Europa nimmt zuGerman version of this article...

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