Bottle collection forecast to reach 2.1m t by 2017 / Recycling growth of 5.6% in 2012 / Petcore/Plastics Recyclers Europe report
Collection of PET bottles in Europe is forecast to reach 2.1m t by 2017, compared with 1.68m t in 2012, according to data released by Petcore Europe (Brussels / Belgium; and Plastics Recyclers Europe (Brussels / Belgium; More than 60 bn PET bottles, weighing 1.68m t, were recycled in 2012, representing a growth of 5.6% compared with 2011, the associations said in a new report, “Post consumer PET recycling in Europe 2012 and prospects to 2017”. The report was compiled by PCI PET Packaging, Resin & Recycling (

The collection rate increased to 52.3% of available bottles in 2012. Casper van den Dungen, PET chairman at Plastics Recyclers Europe, said the growth in collection has helped to ease overcapacity at recyclers, with an average plant utilisation of 80%. Fibres remained the single largest end-market for recycled PET in 2012, “but strong growth in the sheet and bottle market are putting these three markets at similar levels”, he added.

Petcore Europe's chairman, Roberto Bertaggia, said, despite the poor economic situation in Europe, the consumption of PET bottles is continuing to penetrate new market segments through innovative packaging and the material’s ability to be recycled. “With the exception of two members, all EU member states managed to achieve PET recycling rates above the EU Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive target of 22.5% for plastics,” he remarked. Exports of collected PET bottles outside the region increased 12% on 2011, the report said.
16.08.2013 889 [226075-0]
Published on 16.08.2013
PET-Recycling: Sammelquote in Europa gestiegenGerman version of this article...

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