Germany: Introduction for mineral water still not resolved / Two-way bottles on their way?
Mineral water in PET bottles – the decision still remains to be taken in Germany. The German Mineral Water Association, Genossenschaft Deutscher Brunnen eG (GDB, Kennedyallee 36, D-53175 Bonn), is still engaged on testing the suitability of these bottles. It is doubtful whether they will be introduced in 1998. Helmut Ruhrmann, Chairman of the Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen (German Mineral Springs Association – VDM) recently stated that the PET bottles available to date had failed to meet the sector's requirements, since there was a risk of them impairing the taste of the mineral water. Positive experience had, however, been obtained with soft drinks marketed in the PET returnable bottle that was launched in Summer 1996. The signs were that the marked increase in sales in this sector was also attributable to the new type of bottle.
The German mineral spring operators are also fairly nervous as far as PET mineral water bottles are concerned, since Coca-Cola is selling its new "Minaqua" mineral water on various submarkets in a returnable PET bottle of its own, following the major market success registered with "Bonaqua" table water in PET bottles. If PET bottles were to be introduced nationwide for "Minaqua", this would impose considerable time pressure on the mineral spring competition.
The so-called "two-way bottle" in PET (generally 1.5 l) is now moving increasingly into the limelight for soft drinks. These are bottles that are taken back by the beverage manufacturers and mechanically recycled on their behalf. The Gehring-Bunte Getränke-Industrie GmbH & Co Group (HQ: D-33326 Gütersloh) is a pioneer in this field. As the company has stated, "if the studies currently being conducted in different institutes show two-way PET bottles to be ecologically and economically justifiable, then this lightweight packaging could also be used for carbonated mineral water. This would greatly enhance competitiveness for exports, since high PET filling capacities are currently available abroad, some of which are already being used for exports to Germany."
Overall sales of the some 240 German mineral springs rose by 5.3 percent in 1997, reaching a record mark of approximately 9.6m hectolitres. The highest growth, of +9.5%, was recorded for still water, with 2.1m hectolitres being sold.
The German mineral spring operators are also fairly nervous as far as PET mineral water bottles are concerned, since Coca-Cola is selling its new "Minaqua" mineral water on various submarkets in a returnable PET bottle of its own, following the major market success registered with "Bonaqua" table water in PET bottles. If PET bottles were to be introduced nationwide for "Minaqua", this would impose considerable time pressure on the mineral spring competition.
The so-called "two-way bottle" in PET (generally 1.5 l) is now moving increasingly into the limelight for soft drinks. These are bottles that are taken back by the beverage manufacturers and mechanically recycled on their behalf. The Gehring-Bunte Getränke-Industrie GmbH & Co Group (HQ: D-33326 Gütersloh) is a pioneer in this field. As the company has stated, "if the studies currently being conducted in different institutes show two-way PET bottles to be ecologically and economically justifiable, then this lightweight packaging could also be used for carbonated mineral water. This would greatly enhance competitiveness for exports, since high PET filling capacities are currently available abroad, some of which are already being used for exports to Germany."
Overall sales of the some 240 German mineral springs rose by 5.3 percent in 1997, reaching a record mark of approximately 9.6m hectolitres. The highest growth, of +9.5%, was recorded for still water, with 2.1m hectolitres being sold.
28.02.1998 [18837]
Published on 28.02.1998