Italian distribution deal with Reschem Italia for smaller-scale customers
Swedish specialty chemicals producer Perstorp (Perstorp; has signed an agreement with Italian distributor Reschem Italia (Villastanza di Parabiago; for the sale of various Perstorp products including polyalcohols, organic acids, caprolactones and specialty polymers. Perstorp said the collaboration will complement its own sales force by serving small- and mid-sized customers in Italy and San Marino.

“We believe that in a market like Italy we need dedicated partners on a segment basis to support the growth and development opportunities with our small- and mid-sized customer base,” said Paolo Aletti, regional sales manager for Perstorp in Italy.

Reschem Italia will focus sales of the Perstorp products on the adhesives, sealants, elastomers, plastic polymer additives and synthetic markets. The Italian company specialises in the distribution of chemical feedstocks for a range of specific industries, including polyurethanes and other plastics. Its network spans all of Europe. Founded in 1990 in Villastanza, its headquarters include an 8,000 m2 storage hall for both liquid and solid products. Aside from Perstorp, Reschem Italia's portfolio also includes chemicals manufactured by Dow, Cytec, Huntsman, Eastman and Sachtleben.
08.02.2013 [224513-0]
Published on 08.02.2013
Perstorp: Reschem neuer Distributionspartner für ItalienGerman version of this article...

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