New sales director at Lithuanian Retal Europe
Since mid-February 2012, Rimvydas Bazinys is new sales director of Lithuanian PET preform-producer Retal Europe (Lentvaris; He succeeds Vidunas Stukonis, who has left the company. To date, Bazinys had been deputy sales director of Retal.
Retal Europe achieves 34% of its sales in Germany, 21% in the baltic countries, 17% in Scandinavia, 15% in Poland and 13% in western Europe.
Retal Europe achieves 34% of its sales in Germany, 21% in the baltic countries, 17% in Scandinavia, 15% in Poland and 13% in western Europe.
23.02.2012 [221655-0]
Published on 23.02.2012