Merszei replaces Wildi as Dow Europe CEO
Effective immediately, Geoffery Merszei has been named president and chairman of Dow Europe (Horgen / Switzerland; as well as executive vice president of the US parent company Dow Chemical (Midland, Michigan / USA; Merszei, who will report directly to CEO Andrew Liveris, also will chair Dow’s new Geographic Leadership Council. The names of the other Council members are to be announced shortly.

The new Dow Europe president, a US citizen who served for the past five years as chief financial officer (CFO) at Dow Chemical, also did a stint as treasurer at European headquarters from 1991 to 1995. As CEO he replaces Markus Wildi, who was recently dispatched to Kuwait as vice president of corporate development – see of 24.09.2009.

William H. Weideman, Dow Chemical’s vice president and controller, has been appointed the group’s interim CFO, while the search for a permanent appointee proceeds.

Geoffery Merszei is the son of Zoltan Merszei, who was president, CEO and chairman of Dow Chemical for 30 years until his retirement in 1979 and also headed Dow Europe. The European headquarters also has responsibility for the group’s business in the Middle East and Africa.
11.11.2009 [214809]
Published on 11.11.2009

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