DSD awards prize for creative packaging
In its search for intelligent, innovative packaging, Duales System Deutschland GmbH (DSD, Frankfurter Str. 720-726, D-51145 Köln) invites contributions for the second "Innovation Prize for Packaging" which was first introduced in 1993. The aim of the initiators is to promote creative ideas in the sector optimization of packaging in order to support the ecological use of packaging materials and to avoid waste. The prize which is awarded every two years is under the patronage of Dr Angela Merkel, German Federal Environment Minister, this year.

This invitation is made to all individuals who concern themselves with innovative packaging ideas either professionally or quite simply because they are privately interested in the topic. A qualified, independent jury will examine the concepts and drafts for their suitability for the retail trade, industry and consumers. This jury will include leading designers, representatives from major industrial associations and renowned journalists. The "Innovations Prize for Packaging" will be awarded in November 1995, documents to be sent in until 30 September.

READER SERVICE: Proposal documents "Innovation Prize for Packaging 1995" (German): PIE-No. 37709.
31.05.1995 [20739]
Published on 31.05.1995

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