Portion coffee system with paper capsules / Barrier layer, lid made of biopolymer
— By staff — 

In February 2025, Nestlé subsidiary Nespresso launched paper-based coffee capsules in Germany. These capsules are identical in shape and size to the previous aluminium versions, but are made up of 82% paper pulp. A 0.1 mm biopolymer inner layer serves as an oxygen barrier to protect the aroma, and the lid is also made of plastic. Nespresso did not disclose which biopolymer is used nor the quantities involved.

The new coffee capsules consist of 82% paper pulp (Photo: Nespresso)

Nespresso had first announced its intention to introduce paper-based, home-compostable capsules in 2022, aiming for a launch in the spring of 2023. By July 2023, had reported that the European Commission’s draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) indicated that coffee capsules made from conventional plastics and aluminium could soon be removed from shelves, with the exception of compostable capsules made from bioplastics.

Related: Nestlé, JDE to roll out recycling programme for coffee pods in UK

The company’s new capsules have been certified by TÜV Austria for disposal in home compost. However, disposal in the bio-waste bin is not permitted in Germany. Used capsules must therefore be disposed of in the yellow bins or yellow bags of the country’s recycling system.

Industry associations have recently criticised the increased use of plastics-paper composite packaging, citing insufficient recycling capacities in Germany. Nespresso itself has said it views the new paper-based capsules as a supplement to its existing packaging portfolio and plans to continue offering its products in aluminium capsules alongside the new version.
07.03.2025 [257412-0]
Published on 07.03.2025
Nespresso: Portionskaffee-System jetzt auch mit PapierkapselnGerman version of this article...

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