Restructured Bayer-Röhm jv seeks top slot in European PC sheet / Sales of EUR 100 bn
The newly restructured Makroform GmbH (D-64293 Darmstadt), a joint venture of Bayer (HQ: D-51368 Leverkusen) and Röhm (D-64293 Darmstadt), wants to become the “recognised European leader” in polycarbonate sheet, ahead of GE Plastics (Europe: NL-AC Bergen op Zoom), chairman Pierre Colle told journalists recently in Leipzig/ Germany. The existing jv of Bayer and Röhm gained critical mass in July with the addition of Bayer´s European subsidiaries Axxis NV (NL) and Carbolux S.p.A (I) – see 03 and 13, 2000.

With a 25% share of the 100,000 t/y European PC sheet market, Makroform, which also produces PET sheet, expects sales of well over EUR 100bn for 2000. Towards “actively developing and expanding into new market segments,” the expanded company, in which Bayer has the unspecified majority, wants to build confidence in its brands and its products with the help of distributors, who will share profits.

Saying that Makroform intends to grow faster than its markets, technical marketing director Holger Focke projected annual of 15-20% per year for PET sheet, 6-8% for PC sheet generally and 8-10% for multi-wall PC sheet. He added that production capacities are dimensioned to allow flexible reaction to market demands.

For the medium term, four general brand names will be used: “Makrolon” for PC; “Vivak” and “Axpet” for PET and “Bayloy” for coloured sheets extruded from technical plastics blends. Each will have its own logo in combination with the Bayer cross. Applications targeted are in construction, industrial uses and visual communications. Focke sees an “increased need” for heat regulating sheets for energy conservation. Anti-static coating, improved scratch resistance and “special prismatic characteristics” are other topics being explored.
19.10.2000 [17114]
Published on 19.10.2000

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