New plant for Franco-Spanish injection moulding jv / ESP 1.5bn investment
Maier-MGI Coutier Navarra S.L. (Pol. Ind. Elordi s/n, E-31797 Iraitzoz-Ultzama / Navarra) is a joint venture operation between Cooperativa Maier (Pol. Ind Arabieta s/n, Apdo. 103, E-48300 Gernika) and the French automotive components group MGI Coutier (La Caserne, F-01410 Chamfronier). A total investment of ESP 1.5bn has been made in a new plant in Navarra for the manufacture of injection moulded components for the automotive, electrical appliances and computer industries. The initial installation is of 7 Sandretto and Engel injection moulding machines as well as pad printing and painting lines.
Maier and MGI have been cooperating together since the late 1980s. They already jointly own another Spanish injection moulding plant, Ferroplast S.L. (Zona Frana s/n, Apdo. 6015, E-36210 Vigo), which is in the process of building a new plant in Porriño, where operations will be transferred by the end of 1998.
Maier is part of the automotive components division of Mondragón Corporacion Cooperativa (P. Jose Arizmendiarrieta 5, E-20500 Mondragón / Guipuzcoa), which in 1996 had a turnover of ESP 62bn. Maier supplies all the automotive companies operating in Spain as well as many throughout Europe. Its sales, including those of Ferroplast were ESP 10bn in 1996. MGI Coutier, with 9 plants in France and international joint ventures in Turkey and Spain, had a turnover in 1996 of ESP 37.5bn of which ESP 25bn was for its plastics division and the rest in metal products. The two joint venture partners are now looking to establish plants overseas with the main objective being the creation of a presence in Brazil or Argentina.
Maier and MGI have been cooperating together since the late 1980s. They already jointly own another Spanish injection moulding plant, Ferroplast S.L. (Zona Frana s/n, Apdo. 6015, E-36210 Vigo), which is in the process of building a new plant in Porriño, where operations will be transferred by the end of 1998.
Maier is part of the automotive components division of Mondragón Corporacion Cooperativa (P. Jose Arizmendiarrieta 5, E-20500 Mondragón / Guipuzcoa), which in 1996 had a turnover of ESP 62bn. Maier supplies all the automotive companies operating in Spain as well as many throughout Europe. Its sales, including those of Ferroplast were ESP 10bn in 1996. MGI Coutier, with 9 plants in France and international joint ventures in Turkey and Spain, had a turnover in 1996 of ESP 37.5bn of which ESP 25bn was for its plastics division and the rest in metal products. The two joint venture partners are now looking to establish plants overseas with the main objective being the creation of a presence in Brazil or Argentina.
15.11.1997 [19036]
Published on 15.11.1997