Cosmetics and toiletries packaging / Attractive niche market for plastics
The global market for packaging for cosmetics and toiletries is said to be worth USD 9 bn, with an annual growth rate of around 3%. Plastics already account for more than 60% of this market in value terms, making them the leading materials in this sector by a long way. This share is set to increase still further over the next few years as a result of additional substitution processes. Comprehensive information on this attractive market for plastics may be found in the two-volume study “World Cosmetics & Toiletries Packaging 2000 - 2005, Plastics Packaging” published by Market Tracking International Ltd. (MTI, GB-London N19 4RU).
After an introductory overview, the markets for containers, tubes, PET containers and other types of plastic packaging are explained. This is followed by a look at the European markets, with an analysis of the key national segments. On the American continent, attention is focused on the USA, Brazil and Mexico, while, for the Asia-Pacific rim, special analyses are presented of Japan, China, Australia and India. This is followed by a section on the most important fields of application. The second volume concentrates primarily on detailed portraits of the chief plastics packaging producers and the major user groups in the cosmetics field. The study does not make cheap reading but offers a detailed and comprehensive market overview.
• Book Service: MTI “World Cosmetics & Toiletries Packaging 2000 - 2005”, Plastics Packaging, Volume One and Two”, 2000, 679 pages, DIN A4, Ring binder with a large number of tables and diagrams. Original price DEM 1800 (EUR 920.33) + postage/VAT, PIE-No. B 44692.
After an introductory overview, the markets for containers, tubes, PET containers and other types of plastic packaging are explained. This is followed by a look at the European markets, with an analysis of the key national segments. On the American continent, attention is focused on the USA, Brazil and Mexico, while, for the Asia-Pacific rim, special analyses are presented of Japan, China, Australia and India. This is followed by a section on the most important fields of application. The second volume concentrates primarily on detailed portraits of the chief plastics packaging producers and the major user groups in the cosmetics field. The study does not make cheap reading but offers a detailed and comprehensive market overview.
• Book Service: MTI “World Cosmetics & Toiletries Packaging 2000 - 2005”, Plastics Packaging, Volume One and Two”, 2000, 679 pages, DIN A4, Ring binder with a large number of tables and diagrams. Original price DEM 1800 (EUR 920.33) + postage/VAT, PIE-No. B 44692.
07.09.2000 [17197]
Published on 07.09.2000