Flachdachsysteme sold to Alwitra Group / No job losses / Two-brand strategy
The Lafarge Braas Group (HQ: D-61437 Oberursel) has finally parted with its flat roof activities. Brass Flachdachsysteme GmbH & Co was acquired by the Alwitra Group (D-54296 Trier) on 1 July. In future, the Lafarge Braas Roofing division will thus concentrate exclusively on worldwide expansion of the core activities of roof tiles, clay bricks, chimneys and roof systems. Braas Flachdachsysteme produced flat roof sheeting in plastic, together with the corresponding accessories for more than 40 years. In 1998, the company had sales of around EUR 70m.

Alwitra produces roofing sheet in plastic and also flat roof accessories in aluminium, roof edge sealing profiles and light domes. Sales have trebled to around EUR 45m over the past six years. Apart from its main market in Germany, Alwitra is also active in Great Britain, Brazil, South America, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, the Near East and other countries of South-East Asia. After the merger, the two independently-acting companies with different brands will remain on the market in a company network. The Braas Flachdachsysteme locations in Hemsbach and Mannheim will be kept on. There are no plans to cut jobs in conjunction with the acquisition, claims Alwitra. The acquisition will make Alwitra into one of the biggest global suppliers for flat roof systems.
31.07.1999 [17910]
Published on 31.07.1999

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