Raising caprolactam output / Latest investment project receives financial backing from Rusnano
The state-owned Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (Rusnano, Moscow / Russia; www.rusnano.com) is participating in a RUB 6.2 bn (about EUR 82m) investment in modernising the caprolactam production at Kuibyshevazot (Togliatti / Russia; www.kuazot.ru). Rusnano will be making available RUB 1.25 bn (about EUR 16.5m) of the investment funds.
Kuibyshevazot will use the money to raise its caprolactam output from the current 190,000 t/y to 210,000 t/y, using DSM’s (Sittard / The Netherlands; www.dsm.com) nanostructured catalyst technology – which will reportedly also allow it to slash production costs by 12%. A start-up date for the capacity expansion was not disclosed, although Rusnano said output could be raised to up to 260,000 t/y.
Togliatti-based Kuibyshevazot has been able to attract a lot of investment of late. In December last year, the company secured state subsidies for loans it will have to take to realise a 58,000 t/y expansion of its PA 6 output, scheduled to be brought on stream in H1 next year – see Plasteurope.com of 18.12.2014.
Kuibyshevazot will use the money to raise its caprolactam output from the current 190,000 t/y to 210,000 t/y, using DSM’s (Sittard / The Netherlands; www.dsm.com) nanostructured catalyst technology – which will reportedly also allow it to slash production costs by 12%. A start-up date for the capacity expansion was not disclosed, although Rusnano said output could be raised to up to 260,000 t/y.
Togliatti-based Kuibyshevazot has been able to attract a lot of investment of late. In December last year, the company secured state subsidies for loans it will have to take to realise a 58,000 t/y expansion of its PA 6 output, scheduled to be brought on stream in H1 next year – see Plasteurope.com of 18.12.2014.
23.01.2015 Plasteurope.com [230322-0]
Published on 23.01.2015