German machinery manufacturer grows through networking in China / Expansion of US technology centre
At 2017’s "Fakuma" ( trade fair, plastics machinery manufacturer KraussMaffei (Munich / Germany; appeared content regarding its current business performance, with increases in order volume and other sales figures over the previous year. By August 2017, the manufacturer of injection moulding machines, extrusion lines and reaction technology reported increases of EUR 919m in new orders (previous year: EUR 850m) and EUR 869m in sales (previous year: EUR 780m). CEO Frank Stieler said this growth was not only driven by German but also Chinese production plants, and was pleased by the "strong support of ChemChina (Beijing / China; and two other owners."

Furthermore, Stieler reported the company had secured and expanded its cooperation with local suppliers and doubled production in China over the past twelve months. "One cannot be successful in China by directing business solely from Europe," he said. The strengthening of other ChemChina sites has also progressed, Stieler continued. For example, partner company FujianSanming has been trained in such a manner that it could eventually even serve as a supplier to KraussMaffei in Germany. ChemChina’s plants for tyre presses and rubber mixers is pursuing a similar path.

The Munich-based machinery maker, which was taken over by ChemChina in 2016 (see of 04.05.2016), recently celebrated the official opening of its renovated and four-times larger technical centre at its branch in Florence, Kentucky / USA. KraussMaffei has invested around USD 3m in the project.
24.10.2017 [238189-0]
Published on 24.10.2017
KraussMaffei: Maschinenbauer wächst durch Vernetzung mit ChinaGerman version of this article...

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