Machine installed at UK composites centre / Processes epoxy resin and PU / UK initiative to promote composite industry and develop new technologies
The UK’s National Composites Centre (NCC, Bristol; has installed a "RimStar Compact 4/4/4" mixing and metering machine from KraussMaffei (Munich / Germany; after extending the floor space of its TechCentre. The machine has two mixing heads so that it can process both epoxy resin and PU in high-pressure resin transfer moulding (HP-RTM). As a result, said the NCC, it provides great flexibility for carrying out application-oriented test series.

Wolfgang Hinz, product and sales manager for KraussMaffei’s composites and surfaces business unit, explained that high-pressure injection using the RimStar Compact allows the processing of fast-reacting resin systems leading to shorter cycle times and enabling the production of fibre-reinforced composites in large quantities. He added that in the past, the HP-RTM process primarily used epoxy resin as the matrix material but recently an increasing number of components were being made from PU.

The NCC, which opened in 2011 (see of 30.11.2011), is a central element of the UK Composites Strategy, a government initiative to promote the composites industry within the country and make it more competitive internationally. There is a particular focus on aviation and aerospace, automotive manufacturing and renewable energy industries.

Stephen Lambert, business manager for reaction process technology at KraussMaffei, said the UK composites market is seeing pronounced growth. “In vehicle manufacturing, the big OEMs are advancing lightweight construction development and the use of CFRP [carbon-fibre reinforced plastic] in structural components. The aviation industry is also very active,” he stated.

At the NCC, which has more than 30 member companies, new production methods are being developed for composite materials that are advanced into industrial series production. Research is focused on areas such as the automated manufacture of fibre preforms, component manufacture using autoclaves, and compression moulding and post-mould processing of the fibre-reinforced components.
18.02.2016 [233355-0]
Published on 18.02.2016

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