Compounder acquires Swiss colour specialist Color Technik
![]() Special colours for plastics is the main focus area for Color Technik (Photo: Color Technik) |
The new majority shareholder of colour masterbatch and compound specialist Color Technik (Widnau, Switzerland; is masterbatch manufacturer and compounder Grafe Polymer Solutions (Blankenhain, Germany; The German company is thus expanding its product portfolio, especially in high-temperature plastics and fluoropolymers for medical technology, among others. Color Technik will continue to operate independently, and the eight employees will be managed by current managing director, Jan Meik Menke.
Color Technik, founded in 1995, exclusively produces order-related coloured fluoropolymers and high-temperature plastics for the target markets of medicine, E&E, and mechanical engineering. Fluoropolymers such as PVDF and ETFE are used, as well as PEEK, PSU, and LCP, which Grafe has not yet processed in Blankenhain.
Related: Grafe develops masterbatch for plastics to retain striking orange colour
Color Technik will also distribute the Grafe product range with master/combibatches and compounds in Switzerland. The market has so far been served from Blankenhain; Grafe does not have its own sales company in Switzerland. However, joint production is not in the works.
Color Technik, founded in 1995, exclusively produces order-related coloured fluoropolymers and high-temperature plastics for the target markets of medicine, E&E, and mechanical engineering. Fluoropolymers such as PVDF and ETFE are used, as well as PEEK, PSU, and LCP, which Grafe has not yet processed in Blankenhain.
Related: Grafe develops masterbatch for plastics to retain striking orange colour
Color Technik will also distribute the Grafe product range with master/combibatches and compounds in Switzerland. The market has so far been served from Blankenhain; Grafe does not have its own sales company in Switzerland. However, joint production is not in the works.
26.01.2023 [251951-0]
Published on 26.01.2023