Toy maker takes EUR 400m sales hurdle in 2006 / Worldwide expansion for "Playmobil" brand
The positive business development of geobra Brandstätter (Zirndorf / Germany; in 2006 was due mainly to the continuing success of its classic "Playmobil" toy line. However, "Lechuza" – decorative plastic plant pots, considered a niche product – are now also making a noticeable contribution to the overall result. Sales in 2006 totalled EUR 12m – an increase of 73% against 2005. At the International Toy Fair held in Nuremberg / Germany from 7-12 February, (, the group announced plans to expand capacity for Lechuza at its Dietenhofen / Germany site.

With a rise of 7% to EUR 402m, group turnover hit a new turnover record last year. Worldwide sales of the Playmobil line increased by 5% to EUR 379m. In the main market, Germany, consumer sales increased by roughly 10%, according to figures published by the EuroToys market research group. This was despite the shrinking of the traditional toy sector. On the whole, foreign sales of Playmobil rose 9% and the export ratio increased slightly to 60%. France continued to be the main export market.

For the manufacture of the many new products planned this year, geobra Brandstätter will need 630 injection moulding tools worth around EUR 15m. About 40% of these, mainly complex multi-component moulds, will be made by its own mould-making plants in Zirndorf and Dietenhofen, which are expected to operate at full capacity.

The four European production sites outside Germany are also said to be "well prepared for the future." The group´s sole owner, Horst Brandstätter, has invested more than EUR 300m over the past five years to make its European sites "more rational and efficient," and thus more competitive with low-cost Asian producers.
12.02.2007 [207377]
Published on 12.02.2007
Playmobil: Weitere Marktanteile in DeutschlandGerman version of this article...

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