Expansion in technical thermoplastics / Turnover and profit increase significantly
The key products of Ems-Chemie AG (CH-7013 Domat/Ems) in its main area of business, technical thermoplastics, are progressing better than expected. From January to April 1997, the company's total turnover increased 18% to CHF 216m; polymer materials overall had a turnover increase of 17% to CHF 275m. The turnover for the Ems-Group, which is active in the areas of engineering and chemicals as well as polymer materials, increased by 13% to CHF 349m.

The conglomerate had already significantly improved on its 1995 figures in 1996 with a turnover of CHF 945.2m (923.7) as well as profits of CHF 152.1m (137.8). The Ems Chemical Division improved in every area, according to a press release. Furthermore, within a short period of time, in its primary field of endeavour, technical thermoplastics (polyamides) Ems has become the undisputed leading supplier for companies which manufacture frames for sunglasses and glasses for sports. It was also reported that the company is working with automotive customers to manufacture load-bearing safety parts in the chassis from plastic instead of metal. Its technologically complex, multi-layered fuel line system is reported to be developing excellently.

READER SERVICE: Ems Chemie Holding AG 1996/97 Annual Report (German): PIE-No. 41233.
31.10.1997 Plasteurope.com [19070]
Published on 31.10.1997

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