Closure of PA compounding plant in England / "Verton" business sold to LNP
Du Pont de Nemours International SA (CH-1218 La Grand-Saconnex) will close the polyamide compounding plant for "Maranyl" in Billingham, GB-Cleveland, at the end of the 3rd quarter of 1994. It is "urgently necessary" to reduce capacity to maintain competitiveness. Nearly all of the Billingham factory uses out-of-date technology; modernization would have involved major investment. 112 employees are affected.
DuPont has agreed to sell its "Verton" long-fibre reinforced nylon business to LNP Plastics Nederland BV (PO Box 13, NL-4940 AA Raamsdonkveer). A statement of intent anticipates the definitive takeover at the end of the 1st quarter with inclusion of all production, research and distribution under the trade name of "Verton". According to LNP, LNP will then be the market leader in long fibre compounds in Europe, USA and Japan.
DuPont has agreed to sell its "Verton" long-fibre reinforced nylon business to LNP Plastics Nederland BV (PO Box 13, NL-4940 AA Raamsdonkveer). A statement of intent anticipates the definitive takeover at the end of the 1st quarter with inclusion of all production, research and distribution under the trade name of "Verton". According to LNP, LNP will then be the market leader in long fibre compounds in Europe, USA and Japan.
15.03.1994 [21529]
Published on 15.03.1994