Turkish styrenics maker to build second plant / Start-up set for 2022
Dioki uses production facilities previously based in Croatia, which have since been upgraded (Photo: Dioki Petrokimya)
Dioki Petrokimya (Ceyhan / Turkey; www.dioki.com.tr) plans to build a 70,000 t/y plant for general purpose polystyrene (GPPS) in its home country, according to a report in the Turkish business daily, Dünya, which said the company will invest USD 40m (EUR 35m) in the facility.

The plant will reportedly be finished in 2022. The newspaper said the company currently has capacity of 60,000 t/y for GPPS and 18,000 t/y for EPS, with rising global demand for the former serving as the catalyst for recent production expansions and the decision to build the new plant.

The Dioki name may sound familiar – it’s a section of Zagreb, Croatia, and was the name of a resin maker based in that city that filed for bankruptcy in 2013 (see Plasteurope.com of 16.10.2013). The Turkish company said the Croatian facilities were dismantled and moved to their current location in Turkey’s Adana Yumurtalık Custom Free Zone in 2015, and the production technology has since been upgraded.

17.01.2022 Plasteurope.com [249416-0]
Published on 17.01.2022
Dioki Petrokimya: Erzeuger will Polystyrol-Kapazität erhöhenGerman version of this article...

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