Profile manufacturer sees half-year sales shoot up
This is not a holiday picture, but a visualisation of the Belgian company’s window and door profiles (Photo: Deceuninck)
The long-lasting phase of high PVC prices in combination with the strong demand from housing construction have resulted in a massive rise in the six-month sales figures for Deceuninck (Hooglede-Gits / Belgium; According to provisional figures, the window and door manufacturer’s sales jumped in the first half of 2021 to EUR 404m. In the same period of last year, the figure was EUR 289m, and in 2019 it was EUR 312m. Compared with the two previous years, the figure for the first half of 2021 is thus 40% and nearly 30% higher, respectively.

Deceuninck is working on the assumption that the business environment in the second half of 2021 will barely change and that the main market-driving factors – bottlenecks in supply and prices at record levels (see of 02.07.2021) – will continue. The company is expected to publish its full half-year report on 17 August 2021.
27.07.2021 [248153-0]
Published on 27.07.2021
Deceuninck: Halbjahresumsatz schießt steil nach obenGerman version of this article...

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