New compounding plant opens in France
Compounding Technology Inc (CTi), has opened a new technical compound facility in France. Compounding Technology Euro SA (Z.I. Molina La Chazotte, Rue de l'Avenir, B.P. 105, F-42003 Saint-Etienne Cedex 1) has been set up with 2 extrusion lines which will have an initial production capacity of 200 t/month, but is expected to go up to 500 t/month in due course. CTi has made a total investment of FRF 21m in the 3000sqm factory which will primarily be processing polycarbonate and other engineering resins to make compounds for the business machines and electronics markets. The general manager of the plant is Alain Poleszczuk.

Cti was recently acquired by the leading US-based compound and masterbatch producer, M.A.Hanna (200 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2304), which already has a significant presence in Europe through its subsidiaries Wilson Color, Bergmann and Victor International Plastics (see also 6, 1996 and 12, 1996). CTi was set up in 1980 primarily as a supplier to Hewlett Packard. Since that time it has expanded rapidly setting up a new unit every five years, mainly to supply plants of Hewlett Packard.
15.08.1996 [19912]
Published on 15.08.1996

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