ECHA urges companies to check registrations of materials from UK-based suppliers / IT and advice section updated
The ECHA is calling on companies to check the substance registrations of their UK-based suppliers before the end of December 2020 (Photo: ECHA)
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA, Helsinki / Finland; has called on European companies to check the substance registrations of their UK-based suppliers to ensure those materials are also listed in the section for the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA). “Companies should act now if they are affected by the withdrawal,” the agency said. Additionally, the ECHA noted that it has updated its IT tools and dedicated web section on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, including a question-and-answer area with advice for companies.

The transition period of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU ends 31 December 2020, with the protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland set to start from 1 January 2021. London and Brussels had still failed to reach a trade deal with less than 60 days before the UK was scheduled to depart the EU and the EEA.

The agency said regulations under REACH, CLP, the BPR, PIC and POPs will continue to apply in Northern Ireland after the transition period but will be invalid in the rest of the UK. “REACH registrations made by UK-based manufacturers, importers and only representatives will become void if they are not transferred to the EU/EEA before the end of the transition period.” Companies should “not wait until the last minute,” the ECHA noted.

The agency called on downstream users in the EU/EEA to check the list of substances registered only by UK companies on ECHA’s website to see if they need to take action before the end of the transition period. If they plan to get their supply from the UK after 31 December, they should register the substance themselves as an importer, unless the registration has been transferred to the EU/EEA.

Additionally, EU/EEA companies will need to submit their own poison centre notifications through the ECHA submission portal importing mixtures from the UK, the agency warned. “They cannot rely on submissions previously made by UK suppliers.”
16.11.2020 [246322-0]
Published on 16.11.2020
ECHA: Prüfung der Materialregistrierungen britischer LieferantenGerman version of this article...

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