Self reinforced polypropylene composites / ”Curv” production in Gronau
BP Chemicals (London; www.bpchemicals.com) has started up the first commercial plant for the innovative PP composite “Curv” (www.curvonline.com) at the site of Amoco Fabrics GmbH (Düppelstrasse 16, D-48599 Gronau). The facility has an initial output of 5,000 t/y. The material, which was shown for the first time at the composites fair “JEC” (April 9-11) in Paris, consists of highly oriented PP fibres compressed into a PP matrix. It will initially be produced in sheets with thicknesses of between 0.3 and 3mm. In application it behaves like other composites, e.g. glass fibre reinforced PP, but it also offers all the advantages of a thermoplastic one-component system.

The new material centres on a patented production process based on the “hot compaction” technology. This continuous process makes it possible to specifically melt the surface of the outer skin of each fibre; directly afterwards, it is cooled down again under controlled conditions. As a result, a matrix is formed within the fibre composite. 80 % of the highly oriented starting material is retained inside the PP sheet. The resultant tensile strength and stiffness can up to now only be matched by glass fibre reinforced thermoplastics. Since “Curv” is made entirely of polypropylene, the material has a low inherent weight, very good mechanical properties and can be easily and economically recycled. It also has exceptional impact strength and very strong abrasion resistance. At extreme, below-freezing temperatures, “Curv” does not become brittle; in fact the colder it gets, the tougher the product becomes.

This outstanding combination of properties opens up completely new areas of application. The material has already been positively tested by the automotive industry and is set to move into new applications there. BP also expects that it will be used in sports equipment, personal protective equipment, machine casings and housings, transport containers, and other industrial applications. Alongside the production plant, a new thermoforming unit has been installed to assist customers in the further processing of the innovative product and carry out thermoforming trials.

The Gronau site produces industrial fabrics of PP. With an output of some 200,000 t/y, BP is the world market leader in the manufacture of carpet backing fabrics.
16.05.2002 Plasteurope.com [16018]
Published on 16.05.2002

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