Joint venture for film in Saudi Arabia /
Overall demand for PE exceeds 100,000 t/y

In Spring 2000, Bischof + Klein GmbH & Co (B+K, D-49511 Lengerich), producers of flexible packaging in plastics and paper, founded a joint venture with different Saudi Arabian companies and investors. The Bischof + Klein Middle East Co. (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) will be producing Form-Fill-Seal (FFS) films and films for securing pallets. A capacity of 8500 t/y is planned to begin with. Production will be commencing in March 2001 with a payroll of 45. B+K: “The aim of this strategic alliance is to reinforce our portfolio in the field of industrial packaging for the Arab market. Part of the film produced is also destined for export to the Asian markets.”

B+K is one of the biggest European producers of films and flexible packaging. The company has nine production facilities – in some cases subsidiaries and affiliated companies – in Germany, Belgium, the UK, Luxembourg, Austria and Spain. Group sales totalled more than EUR 560m in 1998. Sales of EUR 263m were reported for the parent company in 1999. B+K´s polyethylene consumption alone is running at more than 100,000 t/y, with Elenac being the chief supplier in Europe, providing 40,000 t/y.

The Austrian packaging producer Frantschach AG (Postf. 41, A-1032 Vienna) has a 40% holding in B+K via Frantschach Packaging Deutschland GmbH, Karlstadt. The remaining 60% of shares are in the possession of family members who hold one third each. The South African Mondi Group owns 70% of the shares in Frantschach AG.

• Service:Key data on Bischof + Klein (as per November 1999): PIE-No. 44645 – Company portrait brochure B+K: PIE-No. 44646 – Balance-sheet publication 1999: PIE-No. 44649. All documents in German.
15.06.2000 [17341]
Published on 15.06.2000

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