Marketing JV in Spain with Romex and Delta
Biesterfeld Plastic GmbH (Ferdinandstr. 41, D-20095 Hamburg), which has worldwide responsibility for plastics marketing within the Biesterfeld group, is now present in the Spanish market. On 1 January, the company set up a joint venture with Spanish firms Romex Polimeri SL (Gran Via Carlos III, 98, E-08028 Barcelona) and Delta Elastomers SL. The new firm will do business under the name Biesterfeld Romex Delta SL (Avda Carles III, 8298, E-08028 Barcelona) and will have sales offices and storage facilities at Alicante, Cantabria, Madrid and Valencia. In Spain, as already in Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Austria, Biesterfeld Plastic will be a partner to both polymer producers and converters. Biesterfeld's German office has sales agreements with Du Pont de Nemours (Deutschland) GmbH, Huntsman Chemical Company Ltd, UK, Philips Petroleum Chemicals, Belgium, and Chi Mei Corporation, Taiwan.
READER SERVICE: Biesterfeld company portrait brochure "Kunststoffe nach Maß": PIE-No. 38544 – Supply programme for thermoplastics: PIE-No. 38545 – Supply programme for Spain: PIE-No. 38626 (all in German).
READER SERVICE: Biesterfeld company portrait brochure "Kunststoffe nach Maß": PIE-No. 38544 – Supply programme for thermoplastics: PIE-No. 38545 – Supply programme for Spain: PIE-No. 38626 (all in German).
15.01.1996 [20334]
Published on 15.01.1996