Joint development of lightweight carbon fibre-reinforced composites with SGL Group / High strength components for auto applications
BASF (Ludwigshafen / Germany; and the SGL Group (Wiesbaden / Germany; are to jointly develop a composite material based on a reactive PA system and carbon fibres.

The companies said that the cost-effective system for the production of thermoplastic carbon fibre-reinforced composites is intended for use in the T-RTM process (thermoplastic resin transfer moulding) as well as reactive injection moulding, and offers considerably shorter processing cycles than conventional thermosetting RTM. The adjustment of the material system to faster processing plays a major role in the production of light and high strength structural components made of carbon fibre composites for automotive mass production.

Martin Jung, head of structural materials research at BASF, said: “To achieve good wetting of the fibre and short cycle times in T-RTM or reactive injection moulding, we start from low-viscosity highly reactive caprolactam formulations.”

To achieve optimal bonding of the PA to the fibre, SGL is to develop a custom-formulated finish in the new matrix systems. Hubert Jäger, head of technology and innovation at SGL Group, said it is only with this finish “that this optimal bonding can form and the carbon fibres transmit their unique stiffness and strength properties fully to the part.”
15.10.2012 [223546-0]
Published on 15.10.2012
BASF: Partnerschaft für CFK mit SGL CarbonGerman version of this article...

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